Project Meowtant
About the game
You can stitch together your character to maximize your values to become better battling enemies.
Attachments (hat, arm, leg) will give you better values for a fight. Please use your imagination (for now) that those attachments are actually on the player, and you have some kind of monstrum.
You have a map, where you find different options:
Battle, Rest, Raid a grave (chest) and Trade with a vendor (Gravestone/Headstone).
Battle: Currently does not give you anything, but you have to win in order to progress. Also dying has no consequence yet.
Rest: Restores all your health
Raid: Rolling the die - If not rolled a 1 you will be granted an attachment- 1 will let you lose one random attachment you currently own.
Vendor: Will let you trade one of your attachments with the one the vendor offers (currently no opt-out, you have to trade)
Further Infos
This game was born in the Godot WildJam #77 .
Due to the wildcards offered in this Jam, which couldn't be a better combination, we crafted this idea and tried to do our best in the week we had, next to our full time jobs. Therefore, this game isn't in anyway polished or anything, especially UI/UX is a disaster. We just wanted to have the basics of our idea in the submission for the jam. But we are so devoted in and convinced of our idea, that we will continue working on it. Thus, we probably invested more time in writing "clean(er)" code than we should in a jam (which in the end killed us a bit).
So this game only offers the very very very basic gameplay, which isn't a lot of fun yet (unfortunately). In the future we also don't want the game to be an auto battler.
Most of the graphics, art etc. you see we created ourselves. We are no artists and this is our first time drawing stuff, especially for a game. So please be nice. We learned a lot and with every image the drawings got better, but are far from perfect.
The font you see is a free font, which we grabbed from the Discord of Cup Nooble. We stumbled upon it while working on another Game Jam last year (we can really recommend the work from Cup Nooble).
SFX - Not yet
Music - Not yet
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